Month: December 2007

  • 2007

    2007, as I think about it, has been like most years: ups and downs. You know how it goes: some confusion and anxiety and even a tiny bit of heartbreak, but mostly silliness and happiness and fun. It’s been pretty ordinary in terms of how I spent my time; as usual, I spent the year…

  • Christmas in Wellington

    None of my pictures came out and it rained for most of today, but Christmas went okay this year. I had to work Christmas Eve and had a really rough day, so by the time Alice came over to make tiramisu I was pretty tired and grumpy and not really feeling the spirit, to say…

  • Awhi

    Well, babies, I’m not going to lie to you, it’s been a pretty insane week, and not in a way that involves strippers and hot tubs, I’m sorry to report. Work absolutely blew up, friends freaked out, I had a small lasagna-related breakdown in the Mt. Vic New World last night, I have been talking…

  • Right Now Playlist

    I have a Right Now playlist on my iPod, for the songs I can’t get out of my head. I feel guilty, sometimes, about not putting it on Shuffle more often and only listening to like eight songs, all day every day, but such is life. Here’s what I’m listening to a lot right now.…

  • Just A Hint

    Attention all you young lovers out there: you are all very adorable and you have cute hair and everything, but seriously, girl, you need to work on your game. If you see me out on a Friday night and you are interested in getting with me, as the kids say, it’s really quite simple: tell…

  • Going Back

    I have been super amazingly sick with some sort of martian death flu from hell: the kind of sick where my hair was all matted sweatily to the side of my head; the kind of sick where I would have to take a nap after an exhausting hour of watching TV; the kind of sick…

  • There’s Bees All Over My Body

    A Saturday night out in Wellington. Chiara is wearing a low-cut shirt and sparkly barrettes and is with a large passel of delightful and good-looking people in rather a swanky bar that is playing unfortunate electronic music. Chiara [attempting to shake her well-endowed booty]: This is difficult. Lovely New Friend: I don’t understand this music.…