For those of you who have been biting your nails all weekend wondering how my organization project went, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that in an effort to clean my house, I made it really really dirty, and thus had to clean it some more. I don’t get how that works. I sorted all kinds of items of apparel into various paper bags, all of which are currently messing up my bedroom floor until which time I can get it together to take them to various places that might want them. I still have more stuff to go through, and I haven’t even looked at the part of the closet that holds that PowerBook from 1995, but that’s okay. Yeah, okay, so that’s the good news: I did manage to clean some of my place. Although maybe that’s really actually bad news, because my place is so small that you’d think that cleaning some of it would be cleaning all of it, really. I don’t know. I did clean inside the stove though. I have this little Barbie-sized stove, you see, and all this gooky stuff was dripping down underneath the burners, you can just flip the top of the stove up to clean it, so I did, and I feel much better now. I think that’s the good news, and the rest of the so-called news is just average news, and there pretty much is no bad news. That’s how I’m spinning it, anyway.
I did a lot of errands this weekend, bought a new pair of jeans and a new belt and a new sweater, baked a couple of cakes, labeled some things with my new label-maker, including Carl, saw Finding Nemo, which I am unashamed to say I enjoyed looking at very much. In fact, an essentially plotless story about animated sea creatures was pretty much my speed on Friday night, so it was perfect. So I’m not ashamed to have enjoyed a fine Pixar product, but I am the ittiest, bittiest, tiniest, wee-ist, bit embarrassed to report that I teared up at the preview for Winged Migration. It’s the second time I’ve seen it but I still felt all gooshy in my stomach, what with the soaring birds and the beautiful landscapes and the New Age music. I LOVED Microcosmos and probably I should totally rent that again, so I am super excited to see this new one by the same people in the theater. Were I not going to a super fun party this weekend in the super fun Bay Area, I would probably be first in line on opening day. For a nature show. As it stands I’ll be able to salvage some small part of my dignity and see it the second week it’s out.
I went to a couple of little parties this weekend, the second of which was given by Carl’s parents. There were lots of people there who were all connected in various ways, and then some newer people, and so some of us spent quite a bit of time explaining to the new people who everyone elsewas and how they were related: “Okay, so Maria…she’s the one cheating at croquet right now…is Carl’s sister, and then Deane is Carl’s housemate and also he’s my landlord, and then Sandra over there in the white sweater has been friends with the family forEVER, and then that dog belongs to Andrew, who’s currently taking a nap because he’s an EMT and got called out late last night, and…” I talked for a while to this very nice and pretty French girl who’s doing an internship in marketing for three months and had come with a friend of a friend…I speak about as much French as she does English, so we did okay. I tried to explain to her, in French, what Carl’s company does, and succeeded in making myself look really ridiculous. She was nice and said I spoke pretty well. I think it’s so unfair that English spoken with a French accent sounds really cool and pretty and sexy, while French spoken with an American accent sounds…well, just horrible, I’m sure. Anyway I gave her my number and asked her out for lunch and so I’m going to lunch with a French girl on Wednesday. Now, if it was a French boy that I’d been mangling the language with, it would have been completely different and I would have never had the courage. But it wasn’t, so I was all social and friendly and all with the Filofax. Go me. Or, as we say in French, va moi!
So that was my weekend. It’s still sunny and nice here and I wore my new brown linen dress on Sunday and felt all cute, though I did have a little bit of a hard time manuevering with the short skirt. Not so used to that. Carl’s going to be gone for most of July and part of August, in DC and Alaska (!!) respectively, and then My Friend Ashley gets here for a long weekend and I’m going to be her date to a wedding (See? All these cute girls I’m going out with! I am so slick!) and then the next week we go to Burning Man. Plans! Lots of plans and seeing people and doing things? Is there anything more to this journal lately, besides my little reportings of the small doings of my life? Wait…was there anything more to it ever?