The Ills One Knows…

Lord have mercy, another entry about work. Iā€™m worried. For some reason, for no reason, I donā€™t know. I donā€™t think Iā€™m about to be fired, or anything, thank heavens. Itā€™s just that itā€™s becoming increasingly clear to me that Iā€™m probablyā€¦not going to really do anything, with this job. I go back and forth, first thinking that I donā€™t care if I do anything, that quality of life is most important and I leave my work right in my non-ergonomic desk chair and I can take time off if I want to and I like my co-workers and I even think that what I do has some importance in the world. Then I think that I didnā€™t get my worthless masterā€™s degree to be so low-paid and low-prestige. Then I think if I wanted pay and prestige, perhaps I shouldnā€™t have got my masterā€™s in, uh, social work, that extremely high paid and high prestige profession. Oh, wait, I have to link to an Onion article here: Troubled Teens Mock Social Workerā€™s Car. Preach it!

Of course, Iā€™m not even working as a social worker, and therein lies the tale, I think. For those of you just tuning in at home, I work at a university hospital as a research assistant on several grants that look at various psychosocial aspects of disability. Got it? When I took this job almost a year ago, I had been unemployed long enough (for the second time, even) that I didnā€™t feel very picky. I was excited to get a paycheck and benefits and a short commute, and I feltā€¦and still feel, honestly, very blessed to be doing something that was at all related to anything Iā€™m interested in professionally. Part of the issue is that I donā€™t have a real clear grasp on what ā€œIā€™m interested in professionally.ā€ I thought grad school would help me suss that out, aaaaaaaaandā€¦it didnā€™t. Or I didnā€™t. Or whatever. Social work is hard and I think weā€™ve already established I donā€™t like to do very many hard things. Which is fine, but it makes it hard to decide what my dream job is. See this entry, where Iā€™m all describing what my perfect job would be? No. Not anymore. I donā€™t want to do therapy full time anymore. I donā€™t know if I want to do classic talk therapy ever again, as a matter of fact. I want to work with people, but I just canā€™t figure out how to do that somehow. I do know that private practice is right out, though.

But this is all abstract blathering, isnā€™t it. The real deal is this: one of the grants that funds half of my salary is ending in September. The Principle Investigators who wrote that grant thought they would extend it by writing a new grant which collaborates with another university. All fine and good, especially since Iā€™d had some hints that I would be specifically written into this new grant, at a higher salary and with more clinical stuff to do. I thought Iā€™d like that very much, since who doesnā€™t like getting paid more, and for a while now Iā€™ve been thinking that some sort of mix of research stuff and clinical stuff (but NOT one-on-one therapy, thanks for asking) would be nice for me. It would be even nicer for me to do something for which one needs that ridiculous masterā€™s, since I went ahead and got it and will probably be paying for the privilege for the rest of my natural life. Donā€™t you think?

Well, anyway, long story short, the grant has fallen through, but they think theyā€™ll be able to get another grant, but it wonā€™t mean anything different for me career-wise, but at least Iā€™ll be fully funded, but that just begs the question of should I stay in this job, which is nice but pays really poorly, and just enjoy the fact that Iā€™m a career slacker, with plenty of time to take knitting classes and so forthā€¦or should I try to find something else. In a horrible economy. When I feel I donā€™t have any marketable skills whatsoever. What if all I can find is a job worse than this one? Should I just be grateful? Should I just keep my head down and see what happens? Should I move to Europe or something? Marry money?

Itā€™s been really nice not to have to think very much about work the last eleven months or so. Frankly, Iā€™d like to keep it that way. Iā€™m just afraid that if I donā€™t start thinking about it more then Iā€™m going to wake up one day and be fifty and still renting a little apartment and still wearing jeans to work, with pretty much no responsibilityā€¦and more importantly, no cash. I hate this, I hate thinking about all this. I just want to wake up tomorrow (or, you know, next week, wheneverā€™s convenient) underneath a duvet cover stuffed with thousand dollar bills.



