Notice Anything?

Well, hello! Spruced up a bit, didn’t we?

Well, I have a confession to make. I didn’t design this template or anything (click on “design” over there if you want to see who did). I was just so sick of Red and White. I am not so much into the flashy website thing, as you may have noticed. Don’t even have me a splash page or nothin’. And I know that to someone with actual HTML skills (i.e., not me) this looks pretty basic. But I’m slowly learning, I think. I just wanted it to be prettier, okay? That’s all. I imagine this will not be my last bit of fiddling with this. Let me know what you think. No, really. You. You right there, reading this right now. Email me and tell me what you think. If you know where I can get some free diary-x compatible templates, so much the better, yes?

Okay, that’s all I wanted to say. I’ll post a real entry as soon as I have anything noteworthy to say, mmmkay?



