On The Threshold…

..of something, I’m sure. Something big and important! Something meaningful!

No, not really. I haven’t updated this week because there hasn’t been a lot to write about. It is pretty much all summed up in the following words: Work, Eat, Sleep. Oh, okay, these words too: Bellydance. Cherry Trees. Week Off. Thai food. Taxes.

I’ve had a quiet weekend, as is my wont, and Tuesday we leave for Orlando. Yesterday I got a present for Tom and Ashley, who we’ll be seeing while we’re there (shh! don’t tell them!) and went to the place to pick it up with My Friend Michelle whom I know from social work school and with whom I did several group projects, and next to whom I usually sat in class…we had all our classes together our second year. We liked to sit next to each other and prop our eyes open duting Practice class, which was so, so horrible. Yesterday we employed our time much better by going to Fremont, the Center of the Universe, according to the signage, and stopping in at every tiny expensive tchotcke boutique we could find. This was lots of fun from a purely sensory perspective…”Ooooh! Little mirrored candles! Oh, look, lavender scented hair product! Oh, pretty, a light green cotton sweater for $120! What lovely Japanese paper lanterns! What gorgeous filigree necklaces!” And so on. Had lunch at the Still Life and talked and talked and talked, which you must know by now, is probably my favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon that involves being in public and not in my bed with a cat and a book.

Today I actually went to meeting and was even sort of fighting back tears as people spoke about how hard they were finding it to see “that of God, ” as we say in Quaker meeting, in our government (I’m not naming any names) and about their struggles coming to terms with all the violence in the Middle East and the taxes that they pay that go to the military support of Israel. There were several calls for understanding and tolerance, which did my heart good, I guess. Then I went to PCC and bought a ton of food for Carl and some food for myself, including a fantastic pork hombow which I sadly incinerated in Carl’s substandard toaster oven. No, I mean, when I went to get it, it was covered in ash. I just scraped it off though and ate it anyway, because I really dig the old hombows. I also got to talk to My Friend Abi, who is recovering nicely from her horrible car accident she had over six months ago and who got a big fat raise which I’m hoping she’ll use to buy tickets to come see me in Seattle.

In other news, I bought a bathing suit for the first time in about ten years and am making my way over to the pool a couple of blocks from my house in just a few minutes here. I went to this great new doctor the other day who was very encouraging and non-judgmental about the fact that I need to uh, exercise occasionally or something, and so I’m looking forward to trying this out. We’ll see.

Coming soon: My Adventures With Team Rodent!



