Itā€™s all Chiara, all the time.

  • Talking On The Phone

    Something she used to do was talk on the phone to her friends for hours at a time. A big old whitish-beige-y phone console, the cord stretched across the room, and her body, years and year away from cancer, stretched over her bed. Like a fifties schoolgirl, which she had been, and an eighties mom,…

  • Enough

    We got back from the trip to the States about three weeks ago. “How was the trip?” people asked me, and I said “Good! The trip was good.” The trip was good, and being home is good, and it’s all good. I’ve been trying to write about it for about two weeks–one of the old-style…

  • LaGuardia Airport

    We didn’t bring our laptops with us because they’re just too heavy and bulky and even though we’ve been delivering our New Zealand-themed gifts with all appropriate haste, we’re also buying lots and lots and lots of American-themed stuff to take their places. At LaGuardia airport, where I arrived fully four hours before my flight…

  • Well Wishes

    Iā€™ve been planning this trip for six months, and now, finally, we leave tomorrow. Iā€™m going to the States for the first time since my mom died. Itā€™s been about two and a half years. I meant to go last year, but then I got this job that was supposed to only be for twelve…

  • Questions About The Apocalypse

    I read Oryx and Crake when it came out ten years ago, and The Year of the Flood and MaddAddam. Iā€™ve read The Road and Children of Men and The Dog Stars and, more recently, Station Eleven, plus a couple other books and movies (Do The Cloud Atlas and The Years Of Rice And Salt…

  • South Canterbury

    April went by the way someā€”a lotā€”of months do: going to work, going to the gym, going to dinner, going to movie night, going to the Bait House. First itā€™s the first and then itā€™s the fifteenth and every Thursday is recycle day and Sunday morning is the veggie market and on and on. There…

  • Middle Age

    Itā€™s called San Fran now but it used to be called San Francisco Bath House and of course my friend from the Bay Area, when he visited years ago, thought it was Wellingtonā€™s gay bar. ā€œItā€™s not,ā€ I said. ā€œI mean they are gay people there but to, like, see shows. Itā€™s not a gay…

  • Almost Forty

    Today is my momā€™s birthday. She would turn sixty-nine today. Thursday is my birthday. I will turn forty. Turning forty is fine, for me. I donā€™t have many feelings or thoughts about it, other than Iā€™m glad that I have a birthday and that Iā€™ll get to celebrate it in a low-key way this weekend.…

  • Part Of Your World

    My work travel season has begun, and last week I was up north in Whangarei. Besides being the location of various healthcare-sector meetings I had to attend, itā€™s also the easiest place to access some excellent diving in the famous Poor Knights. I have dived the Poor Knights, aaaaaaages ago, and even though the extremely…

  • The New Couches

    After a year of so of complaining about how much I hated–hated— my saggy brown 80-percent-life-size couches, I bought some new ones. They were delivered a couple Saturdays ago and the 80-percenters were picked up by the delightful people from the Mary Potter Hospice shop warehouse. One is light gray and one is sort of…

  • My Dream

    My dream is to go on a round-the-world trip, visiting everyone I know who lives somewhere else. My dream is to not be so tired all the time. My dream is do meaningful, interesting work that pays me enough to do what I like doing. My dream is to eat roasted vegetables with a fried…

  • Fly Away

    This morning the baby bird flew into the lounge window right by my head, as I was sitting on the couch eating my breakfast and drinking my tea. I heard a huge thump and hopped up to lean out of the window to see what it was. At first I didnā€™t see anything and I…

  • The Baby Bird

    On New Yearā€™s Day we saw some birds going crazy outside lounge window. Common blackbirds, a male and a female, who looked nothing alike, chirping very loudly, flapping their wings, diving around the big pink-flowered shrub in the far right hand corner of the little grassy area where the clotheslines are. Earlier in the day…

  • Two Long Years

    Mom, Iā€™m thinking a lot about Ferguson lately. There have been protests and boycotts and thereā€™s a candlelight vigil for Mike Brown tomorrow, here in Wellington, on the other side of the world from Missouri. I want to talk to you about race and ethnicity. I want to talk to you about whiteness. Mom, I…

  • Walking Around And Looking At Things In Melbourne

    I went to Melbourne, with G, last weekend, to visit Jez and Theresa. Theyā€™re flatting together for the last couple of months of my bandmateā€™s Australian year, and a couple months ago I got this email from T that was basically an old-timey telegram: JEZ AND THERESA FLATTING TOGETHER STOP. ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY…

  • The Location

    Itā€™s November now, and right at this moment I really should be packing for my long weekend in Melbourne that starts in approximately eight hours when I have to catch a before-dawn cab. Instead I am shaking my head at the results of the US midterm elections and looking askance at the spring rain outside…

  • Back To Queenstown

    Itā€™s felt like ages since I had a bit of a holiday (even though I spent, you know, all of January in Thailand) so Thursday morning G and went down to Queenstown for a long weekend. I go to Auckland very often for work but Iā€™ve traveled to the South Island quite a lot this…

  • Early Voting

    I just finished listeningā€”I was mending my leggings so I didnā€™t precisely watch–the final Leadersā€™ Debate, ahead of New Zealandā€™s election on Saturday. I had followed the other debates via Twitter, which is dodgy for echo chamber reasons, so I wanted to experience this one for myself. Thereā€¦wasnā€™t a lot to experience; it was only…

  • Catching Up, Slowing Down

    I caught up with friends last night over tea and cake, under a blanket on someoneā€™s couch because even though itā€™s lighter later, every evening, itā€™s still chilly and damp in that Wellington way. Weā€™ve all been out of town or working a lot or just plain busy so it was nice to just hang…

  • Shortsighted

    I just got back from my friend Amberā€™s house for dinner. This is exactly the kind of way I like to be social, these days: someoneā€™s house that is walking distance from mine, yummy food, nice people, and home by 9 pm. Amber is in cooking school this year and every now and again when…

  • A Good Day Off

    I was at another conference for work over the weekend, so I took yesterday off. First day of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Iā€™d got home tired and cranky on Sunday night, fit for nothing but shoveling down the lovely dinner G had waiting for me, but Monday was bright and sunny and I thought,…

  • #Straightforward

    In the last couple of weeks, as Ferguson, Missouri got much, much, worse, and thenā€”slowly, painfully, hopefullyā€”began to get a bit better, I thought a lot about how I was consuming and using the news. I was consuming through social media, namely Twitter, because there was pretty much no other way for me to follow…

  • No Fly Zone

    I was meant to be on a plane to Dunedin this afternoonā€”it was cancelled by a hailstormā€”but all I could think about was

  • What Are You Doing Musically At The Moment?

    Itā€™s been over a year since I sang in public. It was last Easter for my bandmateā€™s leaving gig, at what used to be Medusa but is now something else. I sang two songs I wrote and one cover, wearing a Def Leppard t-shirt and some heavy eyeliner my bandmate applied to my face while…

  • Just A Cosy Sunday

    I got up early-ish this morning, and waffled back and forth between going to the Sunday market and going to the Bait House, even for just a little while. The Bait House won out but not before toast with plum jam and Greek yogurt with honey, over a foo-foo magazine, with a cup of tea.…

  • Surely It’s Time

    In the dream she leaned out over me, as if I were lying down in a bed. She had her short grown-in cancer haircut, but she could smile and talk, without confusion or pain. Her shoulders were bare, her skin glowing. (Had she just come in from a beach walk?). I was surprised to see…

  • Easy And Ordinary

    The yearā€™s almost half over, and I have been spending it about as youā€™d expect, doing the things youā€™d expect Iā€™d do. Iā€™m working what seems like a lot but is still really only nine to five, with some travel thrown in. Because this job is only for a yearā€”only eight more months, nowā€”Iā€™ve been…

  • Shows: Bullet Points

    Some excellent things about tonightā€™s Morcheeba show ā€¢ My new friend at work asked me yesterday if I wanted to go and I didnā€™t even have to pay full price for the ticket so we went shopping and for dinner and the show was early and we got to sit in chairs and only stand…

  • It Was So Clear To Me That It Was Almost Invisible

    I went to see Neko Case last night, right around the corner from my house. It was my birthday presentā€”I turn thirty-nine on Wednesdayā€”and at first I was a little ambivalent about going. Not because I donā€™t love Neko Case, but because itā€™d been a long day at work and it was sort of chilly…

  • A Little Haven

    A month home now, a month into my new (great!) job, and thoughts of traveling and dive mastering and heartbreaking recede into the distance every time I wash my hair in the mouldy, paint-peeling shower of this flat or bemoan the lack of bench space in the kitchen. Itā€™s meant to be the second day…

  • The Koh Tao Fantasy

    My Koh Tao fantasy goes like this: I decide to become a dive master and study marine conservation and ecology with Caro at Koh Exist. My buoyancy is perfectly neutral as I casually untwist enough marine rope to accept every kicked-off nubbin of still-living coral and transplant them to the artificial reef. I learn a…

  • Walking Around and Looking at Things in Chiang Mai

    I’ve been in Chiang Mai for a week now, walking around and looking at things in a lazy, good-natured way. I came from Bangkok on a freezingly cold overnight train and have been staying a bit out of the old city in a trendy neighbourhood called Nimmanheimen, where, amongst the conceptual haircuts of the university…

  • Both Directions

    I went for a lot of coffees and I made a lot of travel plans and thought a lot about the future, and then, wait, what? I was offered a year-long contract five days before Christmas. I accepted it with much pleasure and then two days later went on holiday with my friend. We spent…

  • The Year That’s Almost Done

    The New Normal year. The settling-back-in year. The year after everything changed. The year I set up a little–not an altar, exactlyā€”but a collection of things that remind me of her. Pictures, her handwriting on a bit of cardboard box from a package she sent me years ago. Her business card. Christmas ornaments I made…

  • A Year Later

    For her anniversary last Monday I didnā€™t light candles or write a letter. I didnā€™t go to the sea by myself, as Iā€™d halfway thought I would do. I went snorkeling at Shelly Bay with a school group through my volunteer gig and had lunch at an outdoor cafe and didnā€™t mention it to anyone.…

  • The World And My Place In It

    PLEASE DONā€™T READ THIS IF YOU DONā€™T WANT TO READ ABOUT RAPE OR ASSAULT. It feels like everyone I know, in New Zealand and to some extent further abroad, is talking about the Roast Busters right now. Brieflyā€”and seriously, if you canā€™t read about rape, or rape culture, or rape apologia, then please skip the…

  • I Have To Try

    Itā€™s almost a year since my mother died. I keep thinking of it as her ā€˜anniversaryā€™ but itā€™s difficult to know if itā€™s hers or if itā€™s ours: mine and my sisterā€™s, my brother-in-lawā€™s, my nephewā€™s. All her family and friends, her next door neighbour she went on walks with, her co-teacher she worked with…

  • The First Week

    The job ended last Friday. Since then I have: got my eyebrows threaded for the first time, which was pretty painful but not as bad as plucking, which I canā€™t even do correctly anyway; applied for five jobs; gone out to lunch with some very lovely friends and had some excellent conversation; had at least…

  • The Fall

    I donā€™t remember how long Iā€™d been there: maybe only a few weeks. It was two or three or four in the morning when the staff at the Place came in on their regular checks and I didnā€™t completely wake up until one of them came back out of her room and said, almost casually,…

  • Sad and Tired

    Last weekend I was sickā€”sinus infection run amokā€”and I wrote a post for this blog about that. About that, and about how I have somehow lost that new job I thought I was going to take me to the end of the year, and about how I miss my mom. Youā€™d recognize it, I think,…

  • Forms

    In the weeks since I got back from Nelson, I have been naked on a massage table during another major (but not too damaging!) earthquake, had a meeting with a financial advisor so that I can get my multi-hemisphere act together, baked a lot of cakes and cookies, listened to a lot of history podcasts,…

  • The Prayer I Cannot Pray

    I went down to Nelson for a long weekend, and on Sunday after a visit to a the Centre of New Zealand we walked up to the cathedral, just because the weather was good and it was nearby. Iā€™ve been to the park there several times before but never inside the cathedral itself; Iā€™ve never…

  • The Shakes

    The earthquakes weā€™ve been having for the last couple of weeks have been big, but not too big. Or theyā€™ve been big, but theyā€™ve been far enough away from Wellington not to seriously damage anything. Or theyā€™ve damaged things, but not permanently. Or theyā€™ve damaged things permanently, but not too badly. We had two not…

  • Ongoing

    It has been a hard week. Iā€™ve been (obsessively, feverishly) reading American political news and between the news about the Texas anti-abortion nonsense becoming law (in addition to other states) and the not-guilty verdict on the George Zimmerman trial, Iā€™ve been feeling all the feelings: anger, outrage, exhaustion, sympathy, empathy. And! There was an earthquake…

  • Or Something

    There was a big storm here in Wellington a couple of weeks ago, and there has been a lot going on politically, all over the world. Iā€™m still doing my physio exercises and getting more into my volunteer gig at the marine science centre. Wellington On A Plate and the Film Festival are coming up.…

  • The Bait House

    This past Sunday I went to volunteer for the first time at the Island Bay Marine Education Centre weekly Open Day. Itā€™s a pretty cruisy setupā€”the coordinator emails everyone during the week, you tell him if you can make it that weekend, and then you roll up on the day and do your thing. Thatā€™s…

  • Her Pink Room

    If sheā€™d been able to leave us at home on the island, I think sometimes. (ā€˜Sometimesā€™ means ā€˜once.ā€™ ā€˜Sometimesā€™ means ā€˜I thought that once, a week ago, and I am still thinking it.ā€™) If I hadnā€™t come back to Wellington for those five months last year, if she hadnā€™t moved to Tampa as sheā€™d planned…

  • Seems Fine

    I have a pretty good idea of what is ow-I-havenā€™t-stretched-for-a-while pain and ow-ow-ow-ow-bad-stop-ow-ow-pain, by now. Over the weekend I was feeling some of the latter so I didnā€™t do my physio exercises, but tonight was okay, so I did them. Leg curls, on the silver exercise ball, with my back on the floor because the…

  • No Big Changes

    I must have caught the tail end of the dream just as I was waking up, because my first thought was ā€œI will have to get a flight to Tampa.ā€ My second thought was ā€œOh! Oh I thought she was dead. I thought she had died. What a terrible dream!ā€ My third thought wasnā€™t a…

  • At The Farm

    Last week I took a couple days off and went with my friend G up to his sister and brother-in-lawā€™s farm near Warkworth, about an hour or so out of Auckland. There was no real reason to go, other than for a little change of pace. Gā€™s family had very kindly invited me to spend…

  • Studies Have Shown

    I randomly read this article today, and left its browser tab open for the afternoon. Itā€™s pretty standard, I guess: you can either have high-flying ambitions and move to the big city, or you can live next door to your parents and teach in the local school and when you get cancer your community will…

  • Another April

    I was done with the pool by 5:30 this evening and had plenty of time to make dinner, had the vegetables right there and everything, but I had dip and pita bread instead. I got fleece-lined ankle-length slippers for my birthday and have opted for them and my fleece-lined hoodie this evening instead of hauling…

  • We Will Have Band Practice Again

    Saturday night my good friend and bandmate Jez had his last Wellington gig. It was easily the best one Iā€™ve ever been to: I got to Bar Medusa early for soundcheck and he did my makeup in the bar toilet and the place was as packed as Iā€™ve ever seen it and for his final…

  • My Birthday

    I celebrated my birthday last week too, three days after my momā€™s. I spent the day itself in an all-day Content Management System training and then put on my new jeans and a top I got for five dollars one of the recent times I was in America, I donā€™t remember which, and met a…

  • Her Birthday

    Today is my momā€™s birthday. She’d be sixty-seven. I woke up early to dye my hair this morning and thought, ā€œOh, Iā€™ll Skype her while itā€™s setting,ā€ just for a tiny, terrible moment. Iā€™ve been wanting to call her for days. This time last year I was in Miami with her, making pasta for her…

  • Baking

    Iā€™m only working part-time at the moment and my work is just a half-hourā€™s walk from my house so I have what feels like the most free time since I was in kindergarden, these days. I do things like go for swims in my new, highly supportive and highly unflattering one-piece togs and get documents…

  • I Know

    Itā€™s still warm and clear every day, Iā€™m still wearing light dresses to work, but itā€™s getting dark earlier and earlier and last night I found myself feeling ever so slightly chilly under the covers. Wellington hasnā€™t seen a summer like this for years and I can almost believe that it wonā€™t be gray and…

  • Another Trip To Golden Bay

    I went down to the South Island last week for a holiday with a bunch of friends. I was still in Tampa when they started planning it and I wasnā€™t completely paying attention to all the details at the time, so it was a bit of a nice surprise that theyā€™d planned this really fun…

  • Corn

    Crying through Les Mis makes sense, I guess: dying mother with cancer haircut sings farewell to her daughter, right, and maybe I even went into it knowing I would cry and that a dark movie theater on a Sunday night is a perfectly fine place to do so, and that no one can see you,…

  • Will Continue Sending

    So I went to Los Angeles (saw a friend I hadnā€™t seen since the 90s, when we both had very different hair!) and I went to Mexico (dived with seals and sea turtles and ate a lot of huevos divorciados!) and then I came back to New Zealand (sat on a plane for many hours…

  • Doubt

    Itā€™s going by quickly. I went to New York to see family and friends and to be very cold, and now Iā€™m in California (the part where it is also very cold), currently sitting in bed and reading about gun control in the wake of the latest school shooting and wondering whether I have enough…

  • Barrier Island

    Yesterday was my last day on the island. I had a couple of days on my own after the memorial: after all the family had been and hugged and cried and gone, after we all went out on a boat in Biscayne Bay on a sunny, windy, rainy Sunday. Mostly I slept and did errands…

  • The Pause On The Side Of The Road

    Momā€™s memorial is this weekend so tomorrow we leave for Miami: my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, the two cats, and me, packed into two cars for a five or six hour drive across Florida. Iā€™m finally all packed up and am sitting here in the hotel room where I have been staying (with the cats) for…

  • Things They Said

    ā€œBased on my experience, sheā€™s holding back. Something is unfinished. You need to tell her itā€™s okay to let go! Sheā€™s worried about you! Just tell her! Tell her to let go! Donā€™t keep her here! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her!ā€ ā€“Our least favourite hospice night nurse, the night before it happened. ā€œWow. Your…

  • Grief’s Road

    I was with her when she drifted away from us early Sunday morning. I did not, at first, know what I was seeing: there were some short sharp shallow breaths, and then there werenā€™t. “Take her vitals,” I said, “take her vitals.” It wasnā€™t until the night nurse unfastened the oxygen tube that I understood…

  • Drift

    Iā€™m so sorry your mum is drifting away from you, a friend from Wellington emailed me last night. When I read that I thought about when we first moved to the island, how Mom used to go swimming in February. A couple of years later she was as thin-blooded as any native South Floridian, but…

  • Opiate NaĆÆve

    The first few times I gave it I treated it like it was battery acid, scrubbing my hands anxiously after each syringe. ā€œWe want to be conservative about pain medication,ā€ Iā€™d said, stupidly confident five weeks ago, ā€œuntil it becomes necessary.ā€ Hospice has insisted on sending nurses to stay here with us for the past…

  • Too Close To Call

    She sleeps most of the day, now, and most of the night. Today she opened her eyes for breakfast and could use a straw but by lunchtime that was all over and she was drinking mochaccino smoothie spoonful by spoonful again. Itā€™s Election Day and in between the bed bath and the pills and the…

  • Dealing With It

    Deal with it by coming off as really robotic. Dodge the well-meaning hugs of strangers (because thatā€™s all there is in this part of Florida for you, strangers and family) and raise your eyebrows crisply and politely whenever anyone coos ā€œOh it must be SO HARD for YOU GIRLS because itā€™s YOUR MOM and itā€™s…

  • Four More Years

    I sent my absentee ballot in today. Several months ago, in Wellington, I had registered as a Tampa resident, and got my documents emailed to me several weeks ago, back when I was still going to band practice and to my job. Iā€™d been planning to exercise one of my democratic rights via the medium…

  • The Duration

    Weā€™ve decided Mom will stay here for The Duration, and so I sleep on the couch, the same one she had on the island in March. She’s had it for years. Itā€™s a terrible couchā€”too short, too squishy, and just generally unpleasant, but it lets me be here with her every day and every night.…

  • Voice

    Her voice is heavy and hoarse now, as if sheā€™s been screaming at the top of her lungs at a very loud live stadium show. Sometimes the words she speaks in this voiceā€”their order, their pronounciation, their inclusion in the English languageā€”make sense to me, and sometimes they donā€™t. Sometimes she looks me in the…

  • Can’t

    Two weeks ago the math abruptly changed. Thatā€™s the best and simplest way to describe it. There were phone calls and emails and tearful conversations on Skype and at Wellington cafes; there was a prognosis to receive, and a decision to be made. At first I thought there would be three weeks to sort out…

  • Doing The Math

    Itā€™s supposed to be spring soon–supposed to–but Iā€™m still sitting in front of the heater in my robot hoodie and wool knee socks, sipping tea and listening to the southerly howl and screech outside. Tui courtship season, ostensibly; I feel sorry for those poor noisy birds huddled up under the whipping branches. This morning when…

  • I Understand You Perfectly

    Her speaking style, now, is hard to describe or imitate. It sounds like her, sort of, but there are so many little things that are not quite right. She mixes up her pronouns. Thereā€™s a lot of ummmms, a lot of uhhhhhs. Iā€™m home sick today but I called her this morning as usual, skyping…

  • Finally, The Winter Boyfriend Video

    Last year I wrote a song. I sang it to myself a lot and talked about a lot and practicing it a lot with my friend Jez. At first I used to say ā€˜band practiceā€™ in quotes because I reasoned that thirty-six year old public servants with no musical ability donā€™t really go to band…

  • More And More And More

    Been back in Wellington for two months now, pretty much as long as I was away. Itā€™s freezing cold here, just the start of winter, and I have a wool cardigan, two pairs of socks, and both the heaters on tonight. My friend Theresa is visiting until Wednesday. I just got back from dance class…

  • Assess The Situation

    Sheā€™s in Tampa now, in The Place. (Mom calls it ā€˜the nursing home,ā€™ which it isnā€™t, but I have to call it The Place). My sister is handling everything brilliantly: the move and the first parts of the transition (there will be many more) and the first visit to the cancer center up there, the…

  • Tempting

    There was someone to pick me up at the airport. My fridge had been filled with soup and carrots and hummus and my favourite kind of breakfast toast and some Early Grey were on the kitchen bench. There was a loaner humidifier and a whole new floor lamp in the lounge. It was one of…

  • Can’t Imagine

    My friend Manya is coming to pick me up for the airport in about an hour. I have my travel outfit on: loose jersey dress, and flats, with leggings, a cardie,my toothbrush, four trashy magazines, and a change of underwear in my carry-on. I’ve said the goodbyes that need to be said and made myself…

  • Lucky

    We are so lucky, we all say. My mother, my sister, all our friends, all the radiation techs and nurses and neurologists and social workers and clinical psychologists and registered dieticians and cancer clinic receptionists and schedulers. Everyone: ā€œWe are so lucky.ā€ Let us count the ways: She was over 65 when she got this…

  • Waiting In Vain

    After our road trip to Tampa to see what Iā€™m referring to as New Places, because I cannot bring myself to say the words ‘Assisted Living Facility,ā€™ the car is the last place I want to be, yesterdayā€™s mind-numbing drive across Alligator Alley being what it is. Radiation is still at 10:15 five days a…

  • Get It Done

    Up at 7:30, breakfast at 8:30, morning pills by 9:20 and in the car by 9:30 to make it to treatment in Miami Beach by 10:15. ā€œOkay, Mom,ā€ I say, ā€please get started on your protein smoothie. Okay, Mom, please check your chart. Okay, Mom, please let this dissolve on your tongue and then rinse…

  • It’s Gone Fast

    Chemo is two pills, taken at home every day. Radiation is a machine, five days a week at the hospital. I have written this information down (along with her contact information, her doctors, her medications) in a little notebook for my mother to keep in her purse for when she forgets. She looks through it…

  • Let Us Know If There’s Anything We Can Do

    You are doing so great. You are doing amazing. She is lucky to have daughters like you girls. I donā€™t pay attention when someone says something like this, I donā€™t even hear it. I check my phone and go on to the next thing that needs doing. The side effects will be. You should be…

  • February 2012 Books

    February 3 You Lost Me There Eh. This got bogged down, I thoughtā€”Alzheimerā€™s researcher guy loses his wife in a car accident and writes a lot of grants in the lab and has sex with a student half his age and he doesnā€™t really love her and his best friendā€™s daughter comes to stay with…

  • January 2012 Books

    (I know I said I wasn’t going to write for a while, but…) Always Coming Home Ursula K LeGuin January 4 I read this at the beach, dipping in and out of it in between spooning and freezing swims and laying on the floor watching nature shows and doing the dishes. Iā€™ve read it more…

  • Anymore

    I don’t want to write here, anymore, in this way, in this place. For a while. Forever? For some time, now. Writing here used to be one of the signal pleasures of my little life, you know? People were always asking me “Are you going to put that on your blog?” and I’d be like…

  • Ten Years

    Itā€™s the solstice tomorrow, I think, and the light stays long, a couple of days before Christmas. I didnā€™t sleep well last night but itā€™s hard to nap with the sun so high and bright. Ten years ago I wrote the first post for this blog, or, as I would have said at the time,…

  • Talking With Alice On The Couches

    Alice came over for dinner Monday night. I have a table and chairs in my lounge but I never eat dinner on them; I sit on the couch like everyone else. Alice sat too. We ate zucchini pasta and talked about my work and her midwifery exams and about the weather and about the election…

  • sex shop ucuz satan yer

    sex shop ucuz satan yer

  • Circulation

    Last weekend I went with my friends Rachel, Angela, and Miriam for Circulation, a big olā€™ circus festival down in freezing cold yet oddly sunny Dunedin. I have been super extra busy for the pastā€¦well, for the past forever, I guess, and since I havenā€™t been doing circus for months I just forgot about it…

  • Back To Yoga

    After something like four months with no regular exercise except walking around and the occasional dance party, Iā€™ve started going to yoga again, three times in the last four weeks. I know the studio and they know me, and itā€™s all pretty straightforward, going to class again, even though I havenā€™t gone very much this…

  • Band Tension

    [Chiara and her bandmate Jez are working on their new song at their friend Rachelā€™s flat. From behind a closed door some indications of band tension begin to emanateā€¦] Chiara: But it goes: the verse about the whiskers, then the pre-chorus with the abalone, then the Pacific Ocean pre-chorus, then the chorus. Jez: What Iā€™m…

  • It’s Been Busy

    Not much to report, reallyā€”everythingā€™s been very busy but itā€™s the kind of busy where even though youā€™re doing lots of stuff there isnā€™t really a way to write about it. I mean, what are you supposed to write? You have a friend in town and there are parties and dinners and cups of hot…

  • Daylight Savings

    Itā€™s Daylight Savings now, light later and later. My sun guilt is very firmly entrenched but I sit on one of the 80-percent-life-size couches anyway, up against the large lounge window, looking at the outside drying racks in the back yard, the chittering birds and peeling paint and golden sun of Mt. Victoria. Meant to…

  • Creative Collaboration

    Since Iā€™ve got back from my trip itā€™s been all go re: the video for the the song. Did I mention? (Um, yes, I believe Iā€™ve mentioned I wrote a song). My bandmate has done several videos for his own fantastic self so I knew it could be doneā€”I certainly wasnā€™t going to let something…

  • How Was Your Trip?

    Iā€™ve been back from the States a weekā€”I got in off the plane last Thursday morning, paid an exorbitant cab fair home to Mt. Vic from the airport, fell asleep in my clean-sheeted bed, and woke up in time to have buddies over for tea and biscuits before work the next day. ā€œHow was your…

  • Tonight’s My Last Night

    Itā€™s been so busy since Iā€™ve been in Floridaā€”Iā€™ve been here for about ten days, most of it here in Miami, where I am spending my last night of this trip, but of course some up in Tampa to meet my my nephew and to make my sister and brother-in-law vegetarian lasagna. Since Iā€™ve been…

  • Dear James

    Dear James: You are the real reason I came on this visit to the States. Itā€™s been awesome seeing my friends in the Bay Area and Seattle and Miami, and I have had lots of fun catching up with them, but the whole point of this trip is you and your entry into the world…

  • I Didn’t Stay

    The Cloud Room isnā€™t the Cloud Room anymoreā€”itā€™s painted a sort of forest-y green now and has a lot more furniture in it as a guest room than it did back when I lived here, what feels like ages ago. Iā€™m staying at the Blue House for one of my Seattle nights but it just…

  • Confusion Re: The International Date Line

    The first thing that happened was that I thought the pilot had got the day wrong when he said, ā€œItā€™s Saturday the 13th, 10:15 a.m.,ā€ just as I was congratulating myself on a very easy trans-Pacific flight. ā€œWait, did he get that wrong?ā€ I worriedly asked the guy sitting next to me. ā€œIs that possible?ā€…

  • Wellyversary

    Last night I celebrated my five years in Wellington with a gig at the limiest-green dive bar in Wellington, where the owner happens to be a friend of a friend and where I see shows all the time. Iā€™ve been planning this for months, referring to it as my Wellyversary: two friendsā€™ bands played, some…

  • Five Years

    I donā€™t even remember anything thatā€™s happened since the last time I wrote, man. I am never home and when I am home all I want to do is put my laundry in or make sure I have enough Greek yogurt for tomorrowā€™s lunch and to wash my face and brush my teeth and go…

  • Weakness

    I started taking a circusā€”specifically, adagioā€”class a couple of months ago at the instigation of my friend Rachel, who is a certifiable circus freak and who is on mission to recruit everyone she knows so that she can have a Friend Circus. She drives a hard bargain; after telling me to do it for months…

  • Happy Place

    We went for a walk along Oriental Parade after Chrisā€™ waffle party this afternoon. Itā€™s been such a warm winterā€”today felt much more like November than July. The sun was shining and I was only wearing two shirts and a hoodie and there was no wind. We went to what Rachel calls her happy place,…

  • I Wrote A Song

    My big new thing is that I wrote a song. Iā€™m thinking a lot lately about my family, and feminism (a LOT about feminism), and social media and its discontents, and circus, and money, and how I want to knit a lot of scarves all of a sudden, but underneath and around and on top…

  • Riding Around On The 86

    Last weekend I went to Melbourne, Australia to visit my friend Theresa, whom I met in Wellington and who went across the ditch last September, much to the dismay of all her friends. I was just sort of keen to get out of town, I thinkā€”much as I love Wellington, I also think thereā€™s a…

  • Expiry: Indefinite

    Yesterday morning I walked down to Immigration half an hour before they opened and stood in the queue for a while before taking a number and taking a seat, my application with its two laughably unflattering passport-size photos in hand. A nice man called me over to his desk, I paid him a hundred and…

  • That Was My Tuesday

    I bought this super cute pink-and-red-and-gray-and-black cameo-pattern skirt the other day at Recycle Boutique for like sixteen dollars and then on Saturday, after a strange series of events, I bought these super-awesome knee-high boots, which has sort of been this everlasting quest of mine for longer than I care to contemplate. Anyway over the past…

  • Scintillating Prose

    Iā€™ve been sick for what feels like ages even though I guess itā€™s only been a week, really. Went back to work full time today, swallowing my antibiotics and wiping my nose. Iā€™ve had to skip circus and parties and Cut Copy and all sorts of things: too tired to do anything but stagger home,…

  • Heaven’s Hammer

    Right before I left for Malaysia this past Christmas I sat down on the floor of my bedroom and made a mix CD for my dear friend who lives just down the hill from me here in Mt. Vic. Little did I know that on the very same night she was making me a mix…

  • Solitary Sunday

    7:15 Rainrainrainwindwindwindwind HeyIdonā€™tfeelsoawesomerightnowrainrainraininrainwindwindwindKABOOMIdonā€™tfeelsohot 7:45 Hmm, I see that, according to Facebook, everyone else in Wellington has noticed the bad weather as well. Fascinating. I feel gross. 8:15 Urrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh. Arrrrrrgggggggghhhhh. Bleuuuuurrrrrggggghhhh. 9:30 Bed, I love you bed. I love you forever, bed. I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever leave you, bed. 10:00…

  • Leaving

    Itā€™s not all the time now, the way it was when I was first in Wellington, a leaving do every weekend. Now it will be quiet for months and then there will be a big sudden push of Facebook invites to last-night-in-Wellington drinks. Since March, I guess, a lot of friends have been leaving, one…

  • Affiliation

    For me my nationality is a pretty random identity or affiliation, not something Iā€™m proud or not proud of. I didnā€™t have anything to do with it: my parents chose for me to become an American citizen when I was two–my naturalization paper is typed in wonky typewriter and lists my height as ā€˜2 FEET…

  • I Meant To Take Photos

    I meant to take photos of everything I did over this long weekendā€”in New Zealand we get Good Friday and then the following Monday off, for Easter, and if this was Australia Iā€™d be getting tomorrow off too, for ANZAC Dayā€”and to caption them hilariously and all of that, but it just never happened. Itā€™s…

  • Autumn Face

    Trudge through the drizzle to the foot of a hill where they filmed Middle Earth ten years ago, to the pile of concrete blocks that houses your beloved flat. Look up at the mist rising off the reconstituted native forest. Look down at the full gutters and the empty mailbox. Throw your shopping bags on…

  • This Stuff

    A couple of weeks ago I was at a gig and a slightly tipsy acquaintance asked me if I had a boyfriend. As I reported to a friend later, I reacted to this question as if someone had asked me if I had a pet monkey. ā€œA monkey? Oh. A monkey, right. Aā€¦monkey. Yeah, nahā€¦I…

  • All About Me

    About ten years ago everyone was getting married and I was so jealous. I was going to like five weddings a summer and everyone was all loved up and full of their plans: to have dinner parties, to buy a house, to have children, to do all those things that I thought meant you were…

  • Notes From My Visit To Golden Bay With My Mom

    First Night After the ferry, after the six hours in the car from Picton to Takaka, after a dinner of goat cheese and crackers on the tiny little balcony looking out over the bay, I walk down past the outdoor tea house and the Buddha in its lavender bed, to the beach. Itā€™s my birthday,…