Tag: Reading

  • January 2012 Books

    (I know I said I wasn’t going to write for a while, but…) Always Coming Home Ursula K LeGuin January 4 I read this at the beach, dipping in and out of it in between spooning and freezing swims and laying on the floor watching nature shows and doing the dishes. I’ve read it more…

  • November 2010 Books

    November 1 The Voyage of The Narwhal by Andrea Barrett My boxes of books from August continue to provide me with excellent re-reads, this being way way up there on the list. You guys, this book…this story…I mean Andrea Barrett does what she does so right and I’m always really made when I come to…

  • October 2010 Books

    October 1 Love In The Time of The Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez How many times have I read this? This is from the box of books I had sent from Seattle, which makes it likely that it’s my high school copy. On the front page my name is written and that of my best…

  • September 2010 Books

    I don’t even know what to say about reading this month—I guess obviously I was moving and felt like I didn’t have enough time, even though I always seem to have time to read the internet, hmmm, and then I sort of read some Italian fairy tales for a week or so but I didn’t…

  • July and August 2010 Books

    August has been a very rough month for me: it started out so rough that I completely forgot to post what books I read in July, and has continued on rough-ish (with the bright spot of my books from Seattle arriving, woo!) Anyway, here’s what I’ve been reading for the last two months, and here’s…

  • July 2010 Books

    June 7 The Dispossessed by Ursula K LeGuin I am not in the mood to do anything new, lately, and I also feel like I have been reading some crappy-ish books, so I am re-dedicating myself to some old favorites this month. I grabbed this out of the library before going away for a long…

  • May 2010 Books

    May 3 Window Licking in the City of Love by Jennifer Maxwell What’s going on here? Some sort of rich couple where she’s a writer and he’s a self-help dude who does sculpture and they have a son in France and she lost her virginity in the seventies to some guy who’s now a conservative…

  • April 2010 Books

    April 6 2010 Changing my mind: occasional essays by Zadie Smith I broke a rule I have for this book, and that is: don’t pay for library books, because library books are supposed to be free. But I was in the library and saw this in the New Releases section and it’s five dollars for…

  • January 2010 Books

    Aaaaaaages ago I decided to track what I read every month, kind of just for fun. I did it for a year, during which I read something like a hundred and eleven books, and then when I started backpacking in 2006 I was all “I have no time to record my reading! I am living…

  • Timing

    We had to read Sense And Sensibility in high school but I didn’t think much of it at the time; it wasn’t until I was in college that I actually LOLed at Emma and then proceeded to devour Jane Austen’s other books in a matter of a couple of very happy weeks. I have deep…