Month: August 2009

  • Thinking Of You

    After work she decides not to go to the store because it’s windy and dark and a little colder than she’d expected this morning when she decided to wear her spring jacket instead of her winter coat. Earbuds, bus stop, off at the dairy and a quick walk along the street that looks over the…

  • Matiu/Somes Island

    We’re at an intriguing meteorological stage, right now in Wellington: it’s still sort of officially winter in that it can be cold at night and one wants at least two blankets on the bed, but the birds have been singing and the flowers have been blooming and everyone is waking up a little bit from…

  • Second Guessing

    This past Sunday I went for breakfast over at Scopa with an internet acquaintaince with whom I’ve been in touch for a couple of years, off and on. We’d already become Facebook friends and started following each other on Twitter so I was faaaaaaairly sure we were going to get on just fine, but even…

  • Day By Day

    Monday I made some lentil soup with carrots, onions, a whole thing of tomato paste and some leftover frozen corn when I got home from work. I would have liked to put in some celery but celery was SEVEN DOLLARS at Moore Wilson and I was too tired and cold to go over to New…

  • Sleeping In

    Wake up, finally, because the morning light—well, the mid morning light— got in through the curtains. At first you thought your phone was going off on your bedside table but really it was the birds outside in the trees, singing, singing, making you believe the long cold wet winter is almost over and that one…

  • Hospitality

    I had some girls from my work over for dinner last night, which was a pretty big deal for me on several levels: Monday night after a long and hectic weekend wherein no laundry was done whatsoever; not sure what to cook; people that I’m still getting to know and whom I will have to…