Month: April 2008

  • South Island Pictures: Milford Sound, Wanaka, And Franz Josef

    Let’s keep looking at South Island pictures, okay? It’s pouring down rain here in Auckland and I very much fear that my projected lunch on K Road is going to be sloppy and damp, but that’s not for a few hours yet, allowing me to hearken back to sunnier times. You may remember that the…

  • South Island Pictures: Picton, Kaikoura, and Queenstown

    I am writing this in Auckland, having left Wellington yesterday in something of a flurry of tears. I’ve been planning my Northland trip (diving the Poor Knights! Cape Reinga!) and getting ready to see some friends up here and the South Island feels like it never happened, really. But! Thanks to the magic of crappy…

  • Leaving, Again

    I have been absolutely terrible about writing since I’ve been in Wellington, over two weeks now. I had all these photos to download, and then I never had time to write picture posts, and then I was going out too much with too many friends, and the days passed and passed and Istill haven’t put…

  • Rarotonga Pictures

    Hey, does anyone remember when I went to Rarotonga in February? No? Me neither. So much has happened since then that these pictures don’t even really make sense, two months later, but whatever, let’s look at them anyway. This is what I saw every morning when I woke up, sat up in bed, and looked…

  • Interesting People I Talked With During My South Island Trip

    S, Kaikoura. Half English, half Egyptian with curly curly hair and a sibilant, unctuous name, trying to decide if she wants to get married and have children or continue trying to make a living as a modern dancer. We talk about yoga and vegetarian recipes. E and S, Queenstown. Both English, both had affairs with…

  • Busy For An Unemployed Person

    Yesterday as I was walking to Newtown from Mt. Vic on Adelaide Road two things happened: a friend with whom I was trying to make plans texted “You are very busy for an unemployed person,” and I thought, walking past the kids on their way to school in their uniforms in the cold and the…

  • In The Movie

    Last night after yoga class I walked down to the main house at Shambhala where Hannah and Ors and Donald were cooking up a red Thai curry to go over some leftover rice I had. The hill was so steep that I felt like I would walk smack into a hanging curtain of stars, the…

  • Golden Days, Golden Bay

    Since the last time I wrote I have taken an eight hour bus trip, cried my little eyes out during Once while eating an entire bag of gummy worms, spent a lot of time feeling sad and lonely in Nelson, been to the Warehouse no less than three times in three days, seen baby seals…