Good On Ya

Saturday was my Seattle going-away party.

Good On Ya

Sheep and Kiwis

For a while it was like a Harvey Mudd Classes of 1996-2001 reunion, man. As our host Ian (who knitted the lovely sheep above and who also made the pavlova because he is some kind of genius) said, “We’ve had some nerdy parties here before, Chiara, but this was like….really nerdy.” He meant it as a compliment, of course.

Bunch of nerds


Stephanie and Christina

Brandon, Braden, Bibs, me, and Amy

More nerds

Me and Robb

I have been feeling really unattractive and ungainly lately and I am almost always unphotogenic so in this picture I decided to, like, embrace it. I don’t know what Robb was doing here, but I hope he does it more.

There’s my other gracious host, Calin, with the lovely Anna. They look like just ordinary hotties but rest assured, they’ve got their geeky sides too.

homemade pavlova!

Here is a lovely pavlova, a traditional New Zealand dessert, apparently. Very yummy. As usual I sucked at taking pictures but I have to say that we did really well for food at this little get together: all sorts of grilled stuff, about four cheese plates, tons of fruit, and about eight hundred desserts. The days of throwing an half-eaten jumbo bag of M&Ms onto the floor at parties are no more.

more party dancing

The bellydancers showed up and we did some impromptu bhangra dancing just like in a Bollywood movie at various points. We also did two songs together for a video. The hush that fell over the assembled crowd was very gratifying, even if I forgot every move I’ve ever learned when it was my turn to lead.

impromptu party dancing

Erik, Amy, and Anna

Party people


Sharon is looking at me as if to say, Shall we slow dance when Let’s Get It On comes on? Ooh, speaking of Marvin Gaye, can I tell you that I may have surpassed myself with my nine-hour party mix? I’m very proud of my work. Say what you will about my lack of social graces (the way I stare blankly into the middle distance when people talk about optimizing database management, the way my tag is always always always out, the way I never stop talking for even one minute), you have to admit that I do two things well, at parties: put together the cheese plate and make good party mixes.

Anna and I

My cousins and I

I stopped taking pictures around this point, I think, as I was having too much fun. A lot of people ended up not being able to make it, which was a little sad for me because I likely won’t see them before I go, but the people who showed up were awesome in every way and I had such a good time with them. My favorite thing in the entire known universe is to hang out with cool people and talk…and I got to do that for eight straight hours on Saturday. It was a perfect day, a perfect night. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if YOU had been there.

My favorite things
Picture by Calin Taylor







10 responses to “Good On Ya”

  1. Shiveringwarmth Avatar

    Hi, just happened to stumble across your journal. (I don’t recall how – through, perhaps?) Anyway, I enjoyed your “100 Things,” so hope you don’t mind if I read you on a daily basis, if that’s OK.

    Anyway, great pics!

  2. mo Avatar

    that is a stunning pav. you are going to be horribly dissapointed when you come to nz. our pavs are kind of boring.

  3. Anne-Carolyn Avatar

    Check out those guns!!

    Thought of you while twiddlig my thumbs backstage at Magic Flute. “Hmm, what would I rather be doing tonight? Partying with Chiara!” Maybe I’ll make the welcome home party!


  4. robbbbbb Avatar

    I take pictures badly too, m’dear. That’s why I make funny faces at the camera. It makes people think I intend to be funny looking.

  5. Jem Avatar

    What a cool party! I looooove pavlova. We’re going to a buffet on Thursday night and they better have some there.

  6. Sundry Avatar

    I’m sad I missed it all! Also your toned arms are pissing me and my flappy flab-wings off.

  7. Renee Avatar

    You’re not unphotogenic, it’s just that the magnitude of your beauty can simply not be captured in two dimensional media.

  8. dorrie Avatar

    AWWW! Wish I could have been there too! It looked like big, big fun.

  9. Eliza Avatar

    As if we needed more evidence, it’s so clear how loved you are. The love of all these people (and us) is going to hold you up as you fly away and make your journeys! I am so happy for you. Up, up, and away.

  10. Steff Z Avatar
    Steff Z

    I must concur that the music was, indeed, fabulous. It was so good to get to see you before NZ borrows you for a while. Do remember to come back!